Karina Frik

Karina Frik | Representation

We are pleased to take over the management for the actress and singer Karina Frik.

Bookable from Berlin.

Languages: English, German, Russian.

Flashback . . .

  • Christa Schreiber

    For a new ZDF TV episode of "Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst", actress Christa Schreiber takes on the role of Maria.

    Director: David Kromer.

  • Emma Jane

    In the new TV movie "Polizeiruf 110 - Die Lüge, die wir Zukunft nennen", actress Emma Jane takes on the role of Arlena Fastnacht.

    Director: Dominik Graf.

  • Blake J Askew

    The actor Blake J Askew took on the British role in the new commercial for "Bild - EU Football Championship", directed by Felix Julian Koch.

  • Dennis Scholz

    The ZDF will show the new episode of the TV series Heldt from October, 2020.
    With actor Dennis Scholz as Frans.

  • Jakob Englmaier

    For the new season of "Dahom is Dahoam", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the episode role of "Moritz Obermüller".