Theater die Baustelle Köln
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Review . . .

  • Jakob Englmaier

    For the upcoming episode of "Der Bergdoktor", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the role of Nico Metzinger.

  • Patrick Loose

    The streaming service Paramount+ will broadcast the new series "The Sheik (Der Scheich)" from December 22, 2022.
    Director: Johannes Naber.

  • Edvard Lammervo

    The finnish actor Edvard Lammervo takes on the role of Kalle Lisander in a new episode of the ZDF series "Heldt".
    Directed by Heinz Dietz.

  • Denisa-Dilara Erez

    For the new image film for "Amazon Prime Video - UEFA Champions League", actress Denisa-Dilara Erez takes on the role of a student.