New pictures

New pictures

The talented actress Anne-Kathrin Hönes had herself photographed by the renowned photographer Jörg Kubitza in a wonderful photo session.

New pictures

New pictures

The actor Nicoals Stöcklein had his picture taken by photographer Nils Schwarz.

Rococo photo shooting

Rococo photo shooting

New pictures from the rococo shooting with actress Sandra von Bonin.

Photographed by thyl ulenspiegel.

Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst (TV: ZDF)

Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst (TV: ZDF)

The actor Patrick Loose plays under the direction of Thomas Pauli in “Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst” the role of Klaus.

Casting Director: Stephen Sikder (BVC).

Clare Reeves | Representation

Clare Reeves | Representation

We are pleased to take over the management of the British actress and speaker Clare Reeves.

Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen (TV Movie)

Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen (TV Movie)

The actor Jakob Englmaier plays a gendarme in the literary adaptation “Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen” directed by Matti Geschonneck.

Casting Director: Daniela Tolkien (BVC).

New photos

New photos

New photos with the actress Sandra von Bonin.

Photographed by thyl ulenspiegel.

Victor Natus | Representation

Victor Natus | Representation

We are very pleased to be able to take over the management for the actor Victor Natus.

German car brand

German car brand

The actress Corinna Ketter is shooting a film in Cologne for a German car brand for a British customer.

Chopin, Chopin!

Chopin, Chopin!

Under the direction of Michał Kwieciński, actor Nicolas Stöcklein is shooting the historical feature film Chopin, Chopin!
The shoot first takes Nicolas to Poland, where the first part of the film is filmed.

New monologues

New monologues

New monologues in English with the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.

Karina Frik | Representation

Karina Frik | Representation

We are pleased to take over the management for the actress and singer Karina Frik.

New headshots

New headshots

New headshot with the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.

Photographed by Michele Shelford, London.

New pictures

New pictures

New photos of the Romanian actress Jennifer Salcudean.

Photographed by Diana Tibre, Romania.


Flashback . . .

  • Nicolas Stöcklein

    The ARD will show the new "Tatort - Game Over" on May 21, 2023.
    The actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the role of the forensic scientist.

    Director: Lancelot von Naso.

  • Matthias Horn

    For the new documentary "Goethe Institut - Studying in Germany", actor Matthias Horn takes on the role of Felix.

    Director: Markus Erwig.

  • Dennis Scholz

    The ARD will show the new "Tatort - Des Teufels langer Atem" on January 16, 2022, starting at 8:15 pm.
    The actor Dennis Scholz took on the role of the doctor Max.
    Directed by Thorsten Wettcke.

  • Nikol Grigorova

    We are pleased to represent the Bulgarian actress Nikol Grigorova.

  • Patrick Loose

    ARD will be showing the new season of "Tiere bis unters Dach" from next Sunday.
    The actor Patrick Loose can be seen in the role of Armin.