We are pleased to take over the management for the young British actress Ella Peartree.
United Kingdom based.
We are pleased to take over the management for the young British actress Ella Peartree.
United Kingdom based.
The ZDF will show the last episode of the successful TV series "Heldt" on 27 January 2021.
The actor Edvard Lammervo can be seen in the role of Kalle Lisander, directed by Heinz Dietz.
The French actress Claire Tudela presents two wonderful monologues.
The actor Dennis Scholz is shooting for the new "Tatort - Des Teufels langer Atem" in Münster.
Director: Thorsten Wettcke.
Production: Molina Film.
New commercial showreel scene with actress Corinna Ketter from "Dr Oetker - The Good Baker".
Director: Gilad Avnat.