The talented actress Anne-Kathrin Hönes had herself photographed by the renowned photographer Jörg Kubitza in a wonderful photo session.
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Jennifer Salcudean | Representation
We are pleased to represent the Romanian-Austrian actress Jennifer Salcudean.
Filming for The Secret
Actress Dana Mae Klaßen plays the female lead in the short feature film "The Secret".
Director: Taim M. Adams.
Filming for Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst (Television)
The actor Patrick Loose plays under the direction of Thomas Pauli in “Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst” the role of Klaus.
Casting Director: Stephen Sikder (BVC).
Filming for "Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst!"
For a solved criminal case, the actor Stephan Gerster took on the role of Riko Paulsen in Aktenzeichen XY - Gelöst!
Directed by Rudolf Schweiger.