The Australian actor Brian Hatfield was in front of the camera for a war documentary The Great Offensive (Het Grote Offensief) in the role of “1st Viscount Alanbrooke”.
Director: Maarten van der Duin.
Location: Belgium.
The Australian actor Brian Hatfield was in front of the camera for a war documentary The Great Offensive (Het Grote Offensief) in the role of “1st Viscount Alanbrooke”.
Director: Maarten van der Duin.
Location: Belgium.
New Showreel Trailer with the actor Nicolas Stöcklein.
We are over the moon to be managing the fantastic Spanish actress Esther de Portafax!
Patrick Loose shoots as a policeman for the ZDF television series Dr. Klein.
Director: Käthe Niemeyer.
The actor Stefan Evertz is filming for the new ZDF episode "Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst".
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