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Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Gelöst! (Broadcast)
The ZDF will broadcast the new episodes of "Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Gelöst!" on July 5, 2023, starting at 8:15 pm.
Actor Stefan Evertz can be seen in the role of the public prosecutor.
Director: Rudolf Schweiger.
New About me's
The Romanian actress Catalina Diaconescu introduces herself in three languages.
Broadcast of the TV Movie "Es bleibt in der Familie"
SAT.1 broadcasts the comedy feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie" on 18.12.2018.
Director: Florian Knittel
The actor Patrick Loose can be seen in the role of Stefan.
The Romanian actress Maria Marica
We are pleased to take over the management of the Romanian actress Maria Marica.
Bookable from Amsterdam and Bucharest.