The actor Patrick Loose takes on the role of Stefan for the comedy SAT.1 feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie".
Directed by Florian Knittel.
Production: FFL Film- und Fernseh-Labor Ludwigsburg GmbH & Co. KG
The actor Patrick Loose takes on the role of Stefan for the comedy SAT.1 feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie".
Directed by Florian Knittel.
Production: FFL Film- und Fernseh-Labor Ludwigsburg GmbH & Co. KG
We are pleased to take over the management for the actress and singer Karina Frik.
It is an extraordinary pleasure for us to take over the representation and management of the Scottish actress Louise Brooks.
For the film "Das Glück der Armen", actor Horst Wüst plays the leading role of Bernd Falke.
Director: Paul Füchsl.
New showreel scene from Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst with the actress Sandra Feil.
Director: Rudolf Schweiger.