SAT.1 broadcasts the comedy feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie" on 18.12.2018.
Director: Florian Knittel
The actor Patrick Loose can be seen in the role of Stefan.
SAT.1 broadcasts the comedy feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie" on 18.12.2018.
Director: Florian Knittel
The actor Patrick Loose can be seen in the role of Stefan.
Patrick Loose shoots as a policeman for the ZDF television series Dr. Klein.
Director: Käthe Niemeyer.
The actor Patrick Loose takes on the role of Stefan for the comedy SAT.1 feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie".
Directed by Florian Knittel.
New showreel scene with actor Stefan Evertz from the ZDF series "Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst".
New monologues in English with the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.
Actress Emma Jane is in front of the camera for the new 1A Pharma campaign for Youtube Channel.
Director: Lars Filthaut.
New commercial showreel scene with actress Corinna Ketter from "Dr Oetker - The Good Baker".
Director: Gilad Avnat.