The great actor and talented singer-songwriter Patrick Loose had his picture taken by the fantastic photographer Daniel Dornhöfer.

The talented actress Anne-Kathrin Hönes had herself photographed by the renowned photographer Jörg Kubitza in a wonderful photo session.

The actor Nicoals Stöcklein had his picture taken by photographer Nils Schwarz.

New pictures from the rococo shooting with actress Sandra von Bonin.
Photographed by thyl ulenspiegel.

The actor Patrick Loose plays under the direction of Thomas Pauli in “Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst” the role of Klaus.
Casting Director: Stephen Sikder (BVC).
New actors
Jo Malone from Manchester
We are pleased to take over the management of the British actress Jo Malone.
Natalie Linden from London
It is a pleasure to take over the management of the very talented actress Natalie Linden.