For the short feature film "Irony of Fate", actress Dana Mae Klaßen takes on the leading role of Maria Sánchez.
Director: Chantal Coutinho.
For the short feature film "Irony of Fate", actress Dana Mae Klaßen takes on the leading role of Maria Sánchez.
Director: Chantal Coutinho.
Three new showreel scenes in Lithuanian and English with the actress Karolina Povilaitytė.
The Romanian actress Catalina Diaconescu introduces herself in three languages.
In the last time a lot happened in the life of Edvard Lammervo and he returned to his Finnish homeland.
If you want to know something about him, you can watch his new About me videos.
New showreel scene from the short feature film "The Voice of Heart".
Actor Blake J. Askew can be seen in the role of the father.
We are pleased to take over the management of the British actress Jo Malone.
It is a pleasure to take over the management of the very talented actress Natalie Linden.