We are pleased to present the new dramatic monologue “The Society”, performed by actress Jennifer Salcudean.

The Finnish actor Edvard Lammervo had his picture taken by the great photographer Janne Immonen.

It is an extraordinary pleasure for us to take over the representation and management of the Scottish actress Louise Brooks.

The Romanian actor Bogdan Gorgos presents us with three brand new, absolutely stunning showreel scenes!

Today we are delighted to present the new dramatic monologue “You understand?” by the talented actress Jennifer Salcudean.

We are very pleased to present the new showreel scenes of the British actor Blake J. Askew.

On November 9, 2024, the crew and cast of Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckonig celebrated a big wrap party at the Sky Garden in London to mark the end of filming.
Director Christopher McQuerrie was also among the guests.
It was a great pleasure for our Michael Kosterin to be there.
New actors
Jo Malone from Manchester
We are pleased to take over the management of the British actress Jo Malone.
Natalie Linden from London
It is a pleasure to take over the management of the very talented actress Natalie Linden.
The British actress Louise Brooks
It is an extraordinary pleasure for us to take over the representation and management of the Scottish actress Louise Brooks.
The British actress Daisy Maeer
We are over the moon to be representing the fantastic British actress Daisy Maeer!