Flashback to Agency news . . .
Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Gelöst! (Broadcast)
On 21 September at 20:15, ZDF will be showing the new TV episode of Aktenzeichen XY-Spezial - Gelöst!.
The actress Christa Schreiber can be seen in the role Johanna.
Director: Rainer Hackstock.
Filming for TV Series Dahom is Dahoam
For the new season of "Dahom is Dahoam", actor Jakob Englmaier takes on the episode role of "Moritz Obermüller".
New Commercial Showreel scene: Amazon Prime Videos - UCL
New commercial showreel scene with the actress Denisa-Dilara Erez.
The Romanian actor Mihai Visan
We are pleased to be able to represent the Romanian actor Mihai Visan.
Bookable from Greater Manchester.