Ice sakting
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Frühling - Lieb mich, wenn du kannst (Filming)
For the new ZDF TV Movie "Frühling - Lieb mich, wenn du kannst", actress Christa Schreiber takes on the role of the school secretary.
Director: Michael Karen.
Filming for TV Movie "Es bleibt in der Familie"
The actor Patrick Loose takes on the role of Stefan for the comedy SAT.1 feature film "Es bleibt in der Familie".
Directed by Florian Knittel.
New Showreel Trailer
New Showreel Trailer with the actor Nicolas Stöcklein.
Filming for the TV Movie "1806 - The Nuremberg Saga"
The Franconian actor Nicolas Stöcklein plays the role of Johann Friedrich Klett in the new documentary multi-part "1806 - The Nuremberg Saga" from BR - Bayerischer Rundfunk.